international association of financial insurance


Despite taxation being a largely sovereign matter, many tax issues are increasingly being discussed and decided at international level. IAFI seeks tax rules that are fair and effective and do not create unintended consequences for insurers or impose unnecessary compliance burdens on them. IAFI engages with the work of the OECD and the EU, as well as on the regulatory reforms of individual countries. IAFI supports policymakers’ efforts to combat tax avoidance and base erosion profit shifting, while seeking to ensure that any regulatory measures that affect the industry are workable, well targeted, and do not result in unintended consequences for insurers or on the availability and cost of insurance coverage for consumers

IAFI was established at a meeting of insurance associations in Washington on 9 October 2012, to increase industry effectiveness in providing input to international regulatory bodies and to contribute more effectively to the international dialogue on issues of common interest. It had been preceded by an informal network, the International Network of Insurance Associations (INIA), which had been active since 2008. Through its 40 member associations and 1 observer association, IAFI represents the interests of insurers and reinsurers in 67 countries. These companies account for around 89% of total insurance premiums worldwide. IAFI is incorporated in Switzerland and its secretariat is based in Brussels.

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