international association of financial insurance

Climate adaptation

Insurers around the world play an active role in protecting policyholders against the effects of climate change and in advising governments on adaptation and mitigation measures. It is vital that any discussions aimed at addressing climate change recognise that regulation is not the only — and is often not the most appropriate — response to the issue, as governments and public authorities need to play a crucial role in enhancing resilience and adaptation measures. IAFI believes that policymakers should ensure that any new regulatory/prudential proposals related to climate risk are proportionate and do not overlap with existing measures that already meet climate risk policy objectives

IAFI was established at a meeting of insurance associations in Washington on 9 October 2012, to increase industry effectiveness in providing input to international regulatory bodies and to contribute more effectively to the international dialogue on issues of common interest. It had been preceded by an informal network, the International Network of Insurance Associations (INIA), which had been active since 2008. Through its 40 member associations and 1 observer association, IAFI represents the interests of insurers and reinsurers in 67 countries. These companies account for around 89% of total insurance premiums worldwide. IAFI is incorporated in Switzerland and its secretariat is based in Brussels.

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